
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

There is a tendency in the air and you cannot deny that you cannot substrate: Moon spreads its light on you, and it calms you, moves you to reflection. This will be a month to recharge forces of moving water, yes, but those inside. The Moon, installed on your Sky, is one of your accomplices harder, and you know that is not satisfied with treatment averages. And this month unfolds on you. What I want from you is to stop rocking the boat around, and you focus on your inner waters, which stop scan other lives, and you see you reflected in the pond that contains your soul. A self-criticism: we need to stop getting lost in the fault, and move through the most important cause. That we are and that we have not just been. Moon wants you to grant the privilege of looking in the mirror and ask yourself: What should I change of my being? Life is not contained in his movement, and you drag yourself in it like a fish, but you have an excessive tendency to move into other lives, to appreciate what others live to live your experience. So this month will not obey any other trend, let the spaces and actions focus on you. Do something that is unprecedented in you: eat your selfish act of thinking about yourself and only yourself. Should be allowed moments, especially when you have such a generous spirit like yours, so open to do good without looking for yourself. Heed the Moon.

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